29th Hellenic American & Norwegian American Chambers of Commerce
29th Annual HACC-NACC
Shipping Conference
Navigating Geopolitical Currents
In a Time of Crisis
Opening Remarks
Clay Maitland, IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry
Conference Co-Chair
The New Macro Supercycle:
2023 Global Economic and Market Outlook
Keynote Speaker:
Hailey Orr, MUFG Securities
Sanctions in Practice
Louis Epstein, Trammo
Nik Ivanov, Skuld
Bruce Paulsen, Seward & Kissel LLP
Dan Tadros, The American Club
Matt Thomas, Blank Rome
Moderator: George Tsimis, GJT Marine Consultants LLC
Supply Chain Stresses on Trade
Casey O'Brien, Global Mile, Amazon
Clay Maitland, IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry
Peter Tirschwell, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Moderator: John Stratakis, Poles, Tublin, Stratakis & Gonzales, LLP
Cyber Risks & Threats
Max Bobys, HudsonCyber
Brendan J. Dolan, US Coast Guard
Kevin Humpreys, Lloyds
Ryan Moody, ABS Group
Sean Pribyl, Holland & Knight
Moderator: Jan Hagen Andersen, DNV
Geopolitical Overview
Amb. John Negroponte, McLarty Associates
Introduction: John Stratakis, Poles, Tublin, Stratakis & Gonzales, LLP
Luncheon Keynote
Luncheon Keynote:
Robert Bugbee, Scorpio Tankers Inc.
Introduction: Han Deng, Reed Smith LLP
Environmental Repercussions
Scott Bergeron, Oldendorff Carriers
Steve Bomgardner, Sailplan
Nick Makar, IRI/ The Marshall Islands Registry
Pia Meling, Grieg Green
Nikos Petrakakos, Tufton Investments
Moderator: Ole Chr. Schroder, Scorpio Group
Washington's Escalating Hardening Against China: Update and Outlook
Keynote Speaker:
Robert Sutter, Elliot School of International Affairs
Introduction: Peter Bazos, Southern Star Shipping
Will Global Circumstances Impact Ship Finance?
Yannick Le Gourieres, Credit Agricole
Martin Lunder, Green Harbour Advisors
Mark Friedman, Evercore
Kevin O’Hara, AMA Capital Partners
Moderator: Brian Devine, Norton, Rose, Fulbright LLP
Shipowners' Perspective
Ted Petrone, Vice Chairman, Navios Maritime Partners L.P.
Robert Burke, Ridgebury Tankers
Moderator: John Benson, Watson, Farley & Williams LLP
Closing Remarks
Ole Chr. Schroder, Scorpio Group